Photo courtesy JoBlo Shortly after the Luke Cage Netflix series premiered in 2016, Tarantino revealed in an interview that he nearly made a film adaptation of everyone's favorite Hero for Hire back in the 1990s. I'm not necessarily a die-hard fan of Tarantino (although Django Unchained was fantastic), but of all of Hollywood's tales of lost films, this is one of the most intriguing. In the interview, Tarantino said he would have liked to have cast Laurence Fishburne as Luke, which would have been amazing given Fishburne's versatility as an actor and Luke Cage's penchant for combining comedy with drama. Tarantino's comic-loving friends, however, thought Wesley Snipes would make a better Luke Cage, given his physique, and this frustrated Tarantino so much that he decided his efforts would be better spent creating original material than adapting existing characters. But what would his version have looked like, anyway...
A spotlight for the forgotten comic book characters!